
Engage in Multiple Ways at AOTA INSPIRE 2025

All sessions will give you the knowledge you need to stay up to date on the latest evidence-based research and help you to advance your knowledge and improve client outcomes. 

Earn up to 19.75 contact hours.

Don’t have access to the Conference App? Download a printed session list.

Pre-Conference Institutes

Wednesday sessions that provide you the opportunity to deeply explore your areas of interest. *Separate registration required.

Short Courses

1-hour sessions that explore a variety of topics.


3-hour sessions that feature intermediate and advanced-level content.

Clinical Application of Research Panels

Multiple perspectives on topical areas in scientific research. 

Tech Labs

Hands-on, interactive opportunities that explore high- and low-technology products that help to enhance client participation in occupations across the lifespan.

Poster Sessions

Cutting-edge research and the opportunity to discuss the findings one-on-one with the presenter.

Student Sessions

50-minute student only sessions with essential information needed to transition to the role of new practitioner.


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