Gain Valuable Benefits Through Professional Learning

When you attend AOTA INSPIRE 2025, you will gain valuable benefits through professional learning, and earn the contact hours you need to renew your licensure and/or NBCOT certification.

Your professional development will be as significant a benefit to your employer as it is to you because you will return with advanced knowledge and skills to contribute to your organization. But, your employer needs to know how their investment in you will help them, before they say “yes.”

Making a strong business case with your employer includes answering the following questions:

• What are the most important issues or plans facing my organization?
• What’s my role in contributing to these issues and plans?
• What sessions or connections would relate to and help support my contributions?

Be sure the investment your employer makes in you returns the highest interest

  • Download this helpful overview of all AOTA INSPIRE 2025 sessions and activities to share with your employer for reference.
  • Prepare an estimate of costs: airfare, hotel, meals, ground transportation, etc.
  • Plan back-up for your work while you are at Conference.
  • Write all this information down clearly in a request to your employer. Download a sample document to use.
  • Meet with your employer in person and early! Last-minute requests don’t work as well, and early registration would save your employer money. If you don’t get an answer right away, be sure to follow up quickly.
Students participating in a session

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