Pricing & Information

Register Today

Registration Type
AOTA Member Full Conference OT
AOTA Member Full Conference OTA/Associate
AOTA Member Full Conference Student/Retired
Non-Member Full Conference OT
Non-Member Full Conference OTA/Associate
Non-Member Full Conference Student/Retired
AOTA Member Daily (Th, Fri, or Sat only) OT
AOTA Member Daily (Th, Fri, or Sat only) OTA/Associate
AOTA Member Daily (Th, Fri, or Sat only) Student/Retired
Non-Member Daily (Th, Fri, or Sat only) OT
Non-Member Daily (Th, Fri, or Sat only) OTA/Associate
Non-Member Daily (Th, Fri, or Sat only) Student/Retired

Pre-Conference Institutes: Wednesday, April 2, 2025

$150 if registered for Full or Daily Conference Registration

$195 without Conference Registration

Earn up to 19.75 contact hours. Please keep track of the educational sessions and poster presentations you attended. When you arrive in Philadelphia, pick up a Contact Hour Tracking form at the registration counters. You will need this information to create your continuing education certificate. Attendees self-report their contact hours.

Guest registration includes admission to all general sessions (e.g., Keynote, Presidential Address, Slagle Lecture), the Poster Sessions, Awards Reception, and unlimited entrance to the Exhibit Hall. Persons who qualify as a guest attend the Conference in a social capacity only.

NOTE: Guests may not be a member of AOTA, an occupational therapy practitioner, or enrolled in an occupational therapy educational program.

AOTA is pleased to offer the member rate to all international attendees who are members of their country’s professional association. To receive this discount, please contact for the appropriate code.

NOTE: This discount is available only to non–AOTA Members, who reside outside of the United States and register for the full 3-day Conference. This discount is not applicable to students or retiree rates. If an attendee is found to use this discount code incorrectly, the difference will be billed to their account.

Due to many administrative difficulties with the group discount program, AOTA has discontinued the use of group discount codes. Register your group by mail or online.

Include a coversheet with your packet with the following information:

  • The name of the primary contact person
  • Any special instructions
  • A list of all registrants with registration forms included in the packet with the amount due for each individual and the group grand total
  • Mail packet to:

AOTA Conference Events

PO Box 347997

Pittsburgh, PA 15251-4997

Mailed registrations will be accepted through March 10, 2025. After that date, please bring your registration form with payment to the Registration desk onsite in Philadelphia, PA. NOTE: We cannot accept cash or checks onsite.

Any missing information may delay the processing of the group registration. Each individual will receive a confirmation email when the registration has been processed.

Payment may be made by check or money order (payable to AOTA in U.S. funds) or by credit. The following policies are in effect regarding payment:

  • An appropriate form of payment must accompany the registration form.
  • A fee of $25.00 will be assessed for any check returned by a bank for nonpayment.
  • If you expect your employer to pay your registration fee, give your employer ample notice for AOTA to receive payment before the registration deadline, or pre-pay your fees and receive reimbursement from your employer. 

NOTE: We cannot accept cash or checks onsite.

When registering online, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address on record. Mail-in registrants will receive confirmation of registration upon processing of a completed registration form.

Your confirmation letter will serve as your receipt of registration. If you do not receive a confirmation letter within three days of registering, contact, or fax a note to +1 770-238-0414.

Cancellation requests should be submitted in writing and sent to AOTA by email at, or faxed to +1 770-238-0414. A $75 processing fee will be applied to all cancellation requests made through March 4, 2025. Refunds will not be issued after March 4, 2025. Substitutions are accepted with written notice.

To transfer your registration, please notify AOTA by email at, or fax +1 770-238-0414, by March 24, 2025.

AOTA staff members, as well as official photographers/videographers, will photograph and record events and educational sessions throughout AOTA INSPIRE 2025 and will be identified by AOTA and/or conference name badges.

The photographs and audio/video recordings taken at the conference are used exclusively by AOTA for promotional purposes and continuing education offerings. Photographs and recordings may be used in the Association’s publications, social media, or on its website, and they may appear in programs or other AOTA promotional materials.

By registering, attending, or participating in AOTA INSPIRE 2025, you consent to permit AOTA and its designees accessing, using, and distributing your image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, audiotapes, and other recordings.


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